Network Overview
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At a high level the network is made up of "Incentivized Servers" that are responsible for all the networking functionality, cryptographic operations, validation, scalability and security of the network and ensure that users privacy and anonymity is guaranteed even if the entire network is observed by adversaries.
Targeted Distribution: A bonded-stake ratio will be identified based on the number of desired servers in the network to encourage scaling and decentralization (ideally above 500).
Dynamic Inflation: Inflation will dynamically adjust based on the moving change rate tied to an optimal number of servers in the network. If the actual % bonded is below the target, the inflation rate should increase to encourage more staking--servers. Conversely, if the % bonded is above the target, the inflation rate should decrease to discourage excessive inflation.
The servers are organized into a network of L layers and users’ messages are routed by servers from one layer to the next.
The network is organized in two stages. A one-time path establishment stage followed by a repeated message broadcasting stage.
The mix-net is bookended by anytrust groups to prevent denial-of-service attacks at the entry and exit points. (anytrust groups are a group of randomly selected servers from the network)
In both stages, the network resolves failures and attacks by malicious users and servers through on-demand blame protocols.